Each session is a blend of music and visual art experiences that actively involve children of all abilities (children with special needs as well as children developing typically) ages 1-21.
Learn more about each session below, and Register Today!
"Jumpin June" Join us for our first 3-week Summer Session. Choose an hour long time slot in the Monday Schedule or in the Friday Schedule: Mondays, June 10, 17, and 24 OR Fridays, June 14, 21, and 28 | "Scuba Joe" Join us for our last 3-week Summer Session. Choose an hour long time slot in the Monday Schedule or in the Friday Schedule: Mondays, July 8, 15, and 22 OR Fridays, July 12, 29, and 26 |
The Art of Music LLC
129 Orangewick Dr. North
Lewis Center, OH
$105 per child per 3-week session